The care of parquet


Maintenance (floor paint)

To maintain the parquet is recommended to take the following precautions:

  1. in the first months after the laying, avoid covering the parquet floor with carpet so as to allow a homogeneous oxidation (darkening) of the same.
  2. Provide a doormat at the entrance of kept clean to remove dust from the soles of shoes and abrasive particles.
  3. Periodically remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner or mop.
  4. Clean the floor using a cloth dampened with water and detergent for floors neutral and non-foaming.
  5. It 'important to maintain proper indoor climate: humidity between 45% and 60%, air temperature between 15 ° and 20 ° C. and never below 10 ° C, thus creating a favorable environment for man.
  6. We recommend that you gradually heat the rooms, applied to the trays umidificatrici radiators and ventilate the premises throughout the year. In the case of floor heating is recommended to use a humidifier in the winter environment.
  7. Despite the stabilizing effects conferred by the media, the exposure of the floor to a prolonged dry weather can lead to the development of minor cracks between list and list, and in severe cases can even lead to microfractures wearing layer. Conversely, the higher humidity makes the wood to expand. It is, therefore, essential to ensure the correct environmental conditions.
  8. As cleaning products should be used as recommended by manufacturers and never those containing ammonia.

The Legno Parquet is the official dealer of the products Vermeister