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Merbau - Doussie' Asia

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commercial name: Merbau
botanical name: Intisia acuminata o intisia bakeri
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The duramen is brown or dark red. The polished layers appear rough to the touch. It consist of rough fibre, with cases where evident deposits of yellowish substances appear; the fibre is almost always woven and undulant. The shrink varies from medium-low to low. It has an excellent durability and a sensitive oxidation.


Areas of growt: Indonesia
Weaving: coarse
Grain: Coarse, almost always twisted and undulating
Medium specific weight to the 10% of humidity: g/cm³ 0,82
Hardness: Brinell kg/mm² 4
Medium value shrink: 1,3
Choices: A Grade, B Grade
15x90x600/1200 T&G



Legno Parquet S.n.c.

Via Gromularo, 1 - 89841 Pernocari (VV)
Phone: 0039/0963 365023
Fax: 0039/0963 365424

Email: info@legnoparquet.com

Bruno De Rito a Pernocari  ( VV ), IT su Houzz